
To search for stocks, browse the categories below, or use the Simple Stock Search, but we recommend using the Advanced Stock Search (for identifying stocks) or Advanced Symbol Search (for identifying particular components like alleles, insertions, aberrations) for more refined search capabilities. 

To search for stocks associated with a group of genes or a signaling pathway, try FlyBase Gene Group reports and Pathway reports, the hit list can be converted to stock list.

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Attached-X stocksA complete list of attached-X stocks at BDSC.
Compound autosomesStocks carrying compound autosomes (use to detect primary non-disjunction in females).
TranslocationsAn overview of translocations with lists of stocks.
TranspositionsAn overview of transpositions with lists of stocks.
Variegating rearrangementsStocks carrying chromosomal rearrangements that result in variegated gene expression.

BalancersAll single-balancer stocks plus selected double-balancer stocks at Bloomington, the definitions of balancer symbols used in genotypes, and the cytological order of balancer rearrangements.

All GAL4 stocksThis main GAL4 page lists all GAL4 subsets at Bloomington.
All GAL80 stocksGAL80 insertions at Bloomington.
All lexA/lexAop stocksAll lexA and lexAop stocks at Bloomington.
All Q system stocksAll QUAS, QF and QS insertions at Bloomington.
All UAS stocksThis main UAS page lists all UAS subsets at Bloomington. 
Alternative systemstet, cym, pip, van and ttg drivers and responders. 
HACK toolsConverting GAL4 into QF2, GAL80 or split-GAL4 effectors.
InSITE GAL4All InSITE insertions at Bloomington.
Split transcriptional activators'Split' transcriptional activators based on the DNA binding or activation domains of regulators like GAL4, lexA, QF and p65. To further refine patterns, see the Killer Zipper page.
TALE/VAS systemExpresses VAS-transgene under the control of promoter-TALE.
UAS & lexAop - Pfeiffer setUAS & lexAop-regulated transgenes with varying numbers of repeats driving fluors or GAL80 from Pfeiffer et al., 2010.

EMS-induced X lethalsX chromosome lethals induced with low concentrations of EMS, from the Bellen lab.

OverviewBrief descriptions and links to pages for lineage and clonal analysis system
DMARCMDMARCM is similar to MARCM but requires two recombination events for expression.
G-TRACE and i-TRACE Lines for cell lineage analysis
Germline clonal analysisStocks for assessing gene function in the female germ line by clonal analysis using "ovo[D]" stocks.
IntMEMOIRAn array of 10 unique invertible barcodes for cell lineage analysis
Lineage filteringRestricted expression through patterned recombination.
MAGICMosaic Analysis by gRNA-induced Crossing-over.
MARCMMARCM lines for mosaic analysis from the Luo lab.
MARCM - Twin spotStocks for marking both sister clones following a mitotic recombination event.
Mitotic recombination stocksStocks for detecting induced or spontaneous mitotic recombination via cuticular phenotypes.
MultiColor FlpOutLines for cell lineage analysis.
Photoreceptor clonesStocks for making marked photoreceptor clones.
RaeppliLines for cell lineage analysis.
SPARCRestricted expression (sparsening) through recombination.
TIE-DYELine for cell lineage analysis.

All DeficienciesLinks to all deficiencies available from Bloomington.
BSC & Exelixis DeficienciesMolecularly defined deficiencies from BDSC and Exelixis, Inc., and stocks for making new deficiencies from Exelixis insertions.
Deficiency kitThe subset of deficiencies that make up the Bloomington Deficiency Kit.
Deficiency subset - ZinnA subset of deficiencies defined by the Zinn lab for screening homozygous embryos.
DrosDel DeficienciesMolecularly defined deficiencies from the DrosDel Project and stocks used to create FLP recombinase-mediated deletions between insertions of the FRT-bearing constructs P{RS5} and P{RS3}.

All DuplicationsLinks to all available molecularly and cytologically defined duplications.
Bloomington Duplication ProjectThe Bloomington Duplication Project generated coverage of 97-98% of the X chromosome with Y-linked duplications.
Duplication Consortium ProjectX chromosome duplications placed in an attP site on Chromosome 3. They are generally five to twenty genes in size.
X Chromosome Duplication KitA subset of duplications representing the X chromosome duplication kit.
2nd Chromosome Duplication KitA subset of duplications representing the 2nd chromosome duplication kit.
3rd Chromosome Duplication KitA subset of duplications representing the 3rd chromosome duplication kit.

Complete list of fluorescent protein stocksStocks expressing GFP, CFP, RFP, YFP, DsRed and other fluors, including stocks with UAS-fluor transgenes.
Antibody fragmentsStocks expressing antibody fragments.
Calcium sensorsFluorescent or transcription-based reporters of intracellular Ca[2+] for reporting calcium-dependent neuronal activity.
Cell cycle fluorescent indicatorsRGB-cct and Fly-FUCCI
Chemical tagsLines carrying CLIP, SNAP, Halo and TMP tags for labeling subcellular compartments.
deGradFPStocks for eliminating GFP-tagged proteins.
FRET biosensorsFluorescence resonance energy transfer biosensors
GFP-lacI and lacOTarget GFP to specific chromosomal sites in live cells.
iGFPiStocks for RNAi of mRNAs with GFP sequences by the in vivo GFP interference (iGFPi) method.
GrabFPStock expressing anti-GFP antibodies for localization of GFP and GFP-tagged proteins to particular cellular compartments.
lacZ reportersTransgenes expressing lacZ under the control of gene regulatory sequences or lacZ fusion protein. 
LuciferaseTransgenes expressing luciferase (plain or split). 
Optogenetic toolsOptogenetic actuators   Photocontrollable FP   OptoTrap 
Photoreceptor clonesStocks for making marked photoreceptor clones.
proPO stainingAn alternative to using UAS-lacZ with X-gal. 
Protein regulation by ubiquitination and proteasomal degradationAuxin-inducible protein degradation, Ubiquitination tags.
Protein-Trap insertionsFlyTrapMiMIC-RMCE and Mi{Hto} fluorescent protein trap insertions.
Redox sensorsStocks carrying a redox-sensitive GFP for determining redox conditions in mitochondria or the cytoplasm.
RNA isolation stocksStocks for isolating RNA from specific cells.
Sexing embryosDistinguishing female from male embryos with GFP.
smGdP scaffolds with epitope tagsLines carrying Flag, HA, Myc, OLLAS etc tags in darkened spaghetti monster green fluorescent proteins (smGdP).
SPARCRestricted expression (sparsening) of GCaMP and more through recombination.
SPARKPhase-separation based GFP reporter of kinase activity.
STaRLines for specifically marking pre- and/or post-synaptic terminals.
Transsynaptic tracingTrans-Tango and BAcTrace lines for labeling or manipulating pre- or post-synaptic neurons.
Virus DetectionStocks for detection of viral infection.
Voltron (also see voltage sensors)Stocks carrying Voltron, a chemigenetic voltage sensor

FLP/FRT and other recombinaseslists of FLP/FRT and other recombinase systems B2, B3, cre, KD and RSR.

CRISPR - Cas nucleasesCas9, Cas12a and tracrRNA stocks.
CRISPR - DNA base editorsCas9-based editors for making point mutations
CRISPR - gRNAguide RNA stocks for site-specific mutagenesis or gene activation.
CRISPR - P{white-eraser}for changing a mini-w+ marker to 3xP3-RFP
TRiP Toolbox set - stocks with both UAS-Cas9 and a GAL4 driver for gene activation or knockout.
Ends-in and ends-out gene targetingI-Scel-directed gene targeting stocks for homologous recombination.
Zinc-finger nucleaseStocks for creating double-stranded breaks in y or ry using Zn-finger nucleases.

Human Disease ModelsStocks that can be used to study a variety of human diseases as well as human health-related subjects such as metabolism and genes and pathways associated with these processes.
Orthologous genes in Drosophila and humanLists of orthologous genes retrieved from Ensembl BioMart and FlyBase

Insertion collections
All transposon insertionsAll insertion collections at Bloomington, sorted by location.
Exelixis insertionsP{} and PBac{} insertions generated by Exelixis, sorted by insertion site sequence coordinates.
Gene Disruption Project insertionsAll insertions at Bloomington that were accessioned through the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project or the Gene Disruption Project's insertion selection pipeline.
Hostile takeover insertionsAll Mi{Hto} insertions at Bloomington.
MiMIC and CRIMIC insertionsAll Mi{MIC} and TI{CRIMIC} insertions.  These contain two attP sites that can be used for RMCE.
InSITE GAL4 insertionsAll InSITE insertions. These contain a single attP site that can be used for RMCE.
lacZ enhancer trap linesStocks carrying P{lacW}P{PZ}P{lArB}P{lwB}P{A92} and others expressing lacZ.
Minos insertionsLists of Mi{}-based insertions, sorted by chromosome.
piggyBac insertionsLists of PBac{}-based insertions sorted by chromosome.
Potential misexpression insertionsAll P{EP}, P{EPg}, P{EPgy2}, P{Mae-UAS.6.11}, P{XP} and PBac{WH} insertions at Bloomington.
Protein-trap insertionsFlyTrapMiMIC-RMCE and Mi{Hto} fluorescent protein trap insertions.

Tools for manipulating insertions
Imprecise excisionsStocks for increasing frequency and size of imprecise deletions using blm mutations
HACK toolsLines for converting GAL4 into QF2, GAL80 or split-GAL4 effectors.
phiC31 componentsAll stocks with components of the phiC31 integration system.
RMCE donors for InSITEsLines carrying donor cassettes for Recombination-Mediated Cassette Exchange with InSITE insertions.
RMCE donors for MiMICsLines carrying donor cassettes for Recombination-Mediated Cassette Exchange with MiMIC insertions.
Transposable element mutagenesisSelected stocks for P, H, PBac and Mi transposable element mutagenesis.

Mapping stocksA selection of stocks for mapping, including SNP lines.
Baylor P{} mapping kitsPredefined sets of P-insertion lines for mapping point mutations (Zhai et al., 2003).

Multiplex componentsTransgenes carrying multiple independently regulated fragments on the same construct.

All RNAi stocksThis main RNAi page lists all RNAi subsets at Bloomington, sorted by gene.
iGFPiStocks for RNAi of mRNAs with GFP sequences by the in vivo GFP interference (iGFPi) method.
mir gene mutationsmir gene knockouts, most are from Steve Cohen and colleagues.
mir sponge linesLines carrying UAS constructs for knocking down microRNA expression.

Dr Phil's flightless fliesUse Drosophila to demonstrate segregation, sex chromosome linkage etc with flightless flies
Educational resourcesLinks to information on how to work with flies, phenotypic marker images and other educational resources.
Early development labY. Hiromi stocks for labs on early development.
Isozymes labStocks containing isoenzyme alleles associated with different gel mobility.
Mapping labD. Dean genetics "fly lab" for mapping an unknown mutation
Natural selection labM. Noor stocks for a lab on natural selection and hitchhiking.
Optogenetics labUse Drosophila to demonstrate optogenetic tools.
Eye color trait labUses bw and st to illustrate a trait due to two recessive alleles.

All wild-type stocksAll wild-type stocks at Bloomington. The reference genome strain is 2057.
Genetic reference panel (DGRP)Sequenced inbred wild-type lines from Raleigh, NC population (Mackay, Richards & Gibbs).
Drosophila synthetic population resource (DSPR)Genotyped Drosophila Synthetic Population Resource strains.
Isogenized chromosomesSelected stocks with one or more isogenic chromosomes.
Malawi linesSequenced chromosomes extracted from a Malawi population in laboratory stock backgrounds, from the Langley lab.
Sleep inbred panel (SIP)Stocks established from sequenced DGRP strains selected for long and short night-time sleep

Y chromosomes with markers or transgenesStocks carrying Y chromosomes with visible markers or useful transgenes.

Cell line generationStocks for generating cell lines using activated Ras85D.
ChemoconnectomeStocks useful for studying neurotransmission.
Dominant steriles and lethalsStocks for maintaining dominant sterile and dominant lethal mutations. See Dominant Female Sterile technique for "ovo[D]" stocks.
Dominant temperature sensitive lethalsSelected stocks with dominant temperature-sensitive lethals, including balancers.
Fourth chromosome projectStocks for genes on the 4th chromosome.
GynandromorphsStocks for generating gynandromorphs.
Histone mutationsLines carrying three tandem copies of the histone repeat (His1, His2A, His2B, His3 and His4) with modifications made to particular histone genes.
mir gene mutationsmir gene knockouts, most are from Steve Cohen and colleagues.
P repression stocksStocks for studying repression of P element transposition.
Photoactivatable_AC_GCStocks carrying constructs to convert adenosine triphosphate to cyclic adenosine monophosphate upon exposure to blue light.
Position-effect variegationA panel of P{hsp26-pt-T} insertions illustrating position-effect variegation patterns of miniwhite.
RNA isolationStocks for isolating RNA from specific cells.
RNA localizationStocks for localizing RNA intracellularly.
Science fair projectsPotential stocks for science fair projects.
Segregation DistorterLines with components of the SD meiotic drive system.
Sex-biased broodsStocks for recovering mostly male or female progeny using the SD system.
Sexing embryosDistinguishing female from male embryos with GFP.
Staging third-instar larvaeUsing Sgs3-GFP to stage larvae to fairly narrow windows. 
Sxl, tra and snfNotes from Tom Cline on the use of Sxl, tra and snf stocks generated in his lab.
UnderdominanceStocks for studying underdominant genetic transformation of insect populations.
Virus DetectionStocks for detection of viral infection.
Wolbachia-carryingAll stocks at Bloomington carrying a defined strain of Wolbachia.
Still looking for stocks? Lists of miscellaneous categories.

Stocks pruning pageLists of stocks slated for removal from the collection are posted here for at least 6 weeks prior to discard.