
OptoTrap consists of CRY2olig-pMag(x3) and nMag-prey, which form large protein clusters under blue light. A protein of interest (POI) tagged with a bait will be recruited to the protein cluster. The variant abbreviation indicates whether it is Slow (pMag) or Fast (pMagFast2), one copy (1) or two copies (2) of nMag, and the identity of the prey (n for GFP nanobody; G for GFP1-10). nMag-prey is tagged by mIFP.


This method is published in Xu et al., 2024: In vivo optogenetic manipulations of endogenous proteins reveal spatiotemporal roles of microtubule and kinesin in dendrite patterning. Sci Adv. 10(35):eadp0138. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adp0138

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