Fluorescent protein stocks

Plain Fluors*

Fluors under the control of UAS

All (GFP, RFP, GCaMP, ASAP, Eos, split, etc.)
G-TRACE & i-TRACE (mitotic clone)
Pfeiffer lines (e.g. 5X/10X/20X UAS-GFP)
Raeppli (mitotic clone)
TIE-DYE (mitotic clone)
Twin spot MARCM (mitotic clone)

Fluors under the control of lexAop

All (GFP, RFP, GCaMP, Eos, split, etc.)
Pfeiffer lines (e.g. 8X/13X/16X/26X lexAop2)
Twin spot MARCM (mitotic clone)

Fluors under the control of QUAS

All (GFP, RFP, GCaMP, split, etc.)

Fluors driven by something else (not UAS, lexAop or QUAS)

All (GFP, RFP, GCaMP, ASAP, Eos, split etc.)
Chemosensory neurons
Ubiquitous expression

T2A fluors

Transgenes expressing multiple proteins with self-cleaving T2A peptide (GFP, RFP etc.)

Fluor-tagged proteins


Fluor-tagged proteins under native control

Tag at native locus
Transcription factors (modERN)

Fluor-tagged proteins under non-native control

Hostile Takeover

Cellular markers, reporters, regulators and tools

Markers, regulator, reporters for cellular processes, signaling pathways, tissues and cellular structures
Fly-FUCCI (cell cycle)
Optogenetic actuators (Channelrhodopsin, halorhodopsin, OptoSOS, miniSOG)
OptoTrap (clustering of protein of interest)
Photocontrollable FPs (Fluors regulated by specific wavelengths)
Relocating GFP-tagged proteins (e.g. GrabFP)
SPARK (phase-separation based GFP reporter of kinase activity)
split-GFP (BiFC)
STaR (synapse)
transsynaptic (trans-Tango, BAcTrace)
voltage sensor

Nonfluorescent cellular tags

Tags (OLLAS, V5, HA, etc) in a smGdP scaffold

Fluor balancers

Balancers (green/red balancers)

Transgenes targeting fluors or fluor-tagged proteins

RNAi lines for fluors
transgenes expressing antibody fragment
*Plain fluors are those not generally fused to another protein unless it is to tag, localize or alter the properties of the fluor in some way.