Antibody fragments | Transgenes expressing antibody fragments. |
Baylor mapping kits | P-element-based mapping kits from Hugo Bellen's lab at Baylor. |
cell line generation | Stocks for establishing cell lines using activated Ras85D. |
Chemtag - Tissue staining with chemical tags | Lines carrying CLIP, SNAP, Halo and TMP tags for labeling subcellular compartments. |
Chemoconnectome | Stocks for studying neurotransmission. |
deGradFP | Stocks for directing GFP-tagged proteins to the proteasome for degradation. |
DMARCM | Double MARCM is similar to MARCM but requires two recombination events for expression. |
DNA base editors | Cas9-based editors for making point mutations |
Dominant female sterile | Dominant female sterile stocks for making germline clones in females. |
Dominant steriles and lethals | Stocks carrying dominant sterile or lethal mutations. |
Dominant temperature-sensitive lethals | Stocks carrying dominant temperature-sensitive lethal alleles. |
DrosDel starter | Stocks used to make FRT-based deletions based on DrosDel insertions. |
DUAL control system | Duration And Location control system: a genetic ablation system to study cell regeneration in wing discs. |
Exelixis starter | Stocks used to make FRT-based deletions based on Exelixis insertions. These are also the background stocks for the BSC Deficiencies. |
Fly FUCCI | Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators. |
FRT - Protocol for making somatic clones | Richard Carthew's instructions for making somatic clones using the FLP/FRT system. |
G-TRACE & i-TRACE | Lines for cell lineage analysis |
Gynandromorphs | Stocks for generating gynandromorphs. |
HACK method (homology assisted CRISPR knock-in) | Stocks for converting GAL4 lines into QF2 lines. |
Histone mutations | Lines carrying the histone gene cluster (His1, His2A, His2B, His3 and His4) with modifications made to particular histone genes. |
Hostile takeover lines | All Mi{Hto} insertions at Bloomington. |
hs-hid protocol | Stocks and methods for using hs-hid. |
Imprecise excision of P or Minos elements | Stocks for making imprecise excisions of P or Minos-based transposons. |
IntMEMOIR | Line for cell lineage tracing |
Killer Zipper | The GAL4 DNA-binding domain fused to Zip+ for further restriction of an expression pattern using the split GAL4 system. |
lacO & lacI | Target GFP to specific chromosomal sites in live cells. |
lacZ reporters | Stocks carrying transgenes with wild type or mutant lacZ reporters. |
lacZ fusion proteins | Stocks with transgenes expressing proteins fused to beta-galactosidase. |
lineage filtering | Lineage restricted expression via patterned recombination |
MAGIC | MAGIC gRNA lines for CRISPR mediated crossover at a defined chromosomal location. |
Mapping stocks | A selection of stocks for mapping, including SNP lines. |
MARCM | MARCM lines for mosaic analysis from the Luo lab. |
mir gene mutations | mir gene knockouts, most are from Steve Cohen and colleagues |
mitotic recombination | Stocks for detecting induced or spontaneous mitotic recombination via cuticular phenotypes. |
MultiColor Flpout | Lines for cell lineage analysis. |
Multiplex components | Transgenes carrying multiple independently regulated fragments on the same construct. |
OptoTrap | Transgenes for light-induced clustering/aggregation of the protein of interest. |
P repression | Stocks for studying repression of P element transposition |
Photoactivatable AC_GC | Stocks carrying constructs to convert adenosine triphosphate to cyclic adenosine monophosphate upon exposure to blue light. |
Photoreceptor clones | Stocks for making marked photoreceptor clones using two-color Tomato/GFP-FLP/FRT method. |
Position-effect variegation | A panel of P{hsp26-pt-T} insertions illustrating position-effect variegation patterns of miniwhite. |
proPO staining | Stocks for detecting GAL4 expression patterns via phenoloxidase conversion of dopamine to melanin. |
Raeppli | Lines for cell lineage analysis. |
Recombinases and their targets (FLP/FRT, cre, B2, B3, KD etc) | Links to lists of stocks carrying FLP, other recombinases (including cre, B2, B3, and KD) and/or their targets can be found here |
RMCE - MiMIC information and links to donors | Information on Recombination-Mediated Cassette Exchange using Mi{MIC} insertions and links to stocks carrying donor cassettes. |
RNA isolation | Stocks for isolating RNA from specific cells. |
RNA localization | Stocks for localizing RNA intracellularly. |
Segregation distorter | Lines with components of the SD meiotic drive system |
Sex-biased broods | Stocks for recovering mostly male or female progeny using the SD system. |
Sexing embryos | Distinguishing female from male embryos with GFP |
SPARC | Restricted expression (sparsening) through recombination. |
Staging third instar larvae | Using Sgs3-GFP to stage larvae to fairly narrow windows. |
STaR | Lines for specifically marking pre- and/or post-synaptic terminals |
Sxl, tra and snf stock notes | Notes from Tom Cline on the use of Sxl, tra and snf stocks generated in his lab. |
Tie-Dye | FLP-mediated recombination results in photoreceptor clones marked with one of two fluors. |
Transcription factors - tagged | Tagged transcription factors from the modERN project |
Transposable element mutagenesis | Selected stocks for P, H, PBac and Mi transposable element mutagenesis. |
TRIC | Transcriptional reporters of intracellular Ca2+ |
Trojan-GAL4 donors | Donor cassettes for turning MiMICs into T2A-GAL4s. |
UAS & lexA lines from Pfeiffer | UAS & lexAop regulated transgenes with varying numbers of repeats driving fluors or GAL80 from Pfeiffer et al., 2010. |
Ubiquitination tags | Tags for isolating ubiquitinated proteins. |
Underdominance | Stocks for studying underdominant genetic transformation of insect populations. |
Voltron voltage sensors | Stocks carrying Voltron, a chemigenetic voltage sensor |
White-eraser | Stock for changing a mini-w+ marker to 3xP3-RFP |
Wolbachia-carrying | Stocks known to carry a defined strain of Wolbachia. |