Lineage and Clonal Analysis

Brief descriptions and links to pages for lineage and clonal analysis system stocks available at the BDSC are shown here (in alphabetical order). The pictures are examples and may not represent all that is available. See relevant pages for all the possibilities for each system.

DFS (female germline)Double MARCM (DMARCM)FlyBow
G-TRACE and i-TRACEIntMEMOIRLineage filtering
Photoreceptor clonesRaeppliTwin spot MARCM
Stochastic FLP-mediated inversion within matched FRT cassettes result in cells marked with one or more possible marker combinations.
Stochastic cre-mediated flip-outs between matched lox sites result in clones marked with one of several possible marker combinations.
FLP-out of one of two overlapping FRT or FRT3 stop cassettes results in GAL4- or lexA-expressing clones.
Stocks for assessing gene function in the female germ line by clonal analysis using "ovo[D]" stocks.
Low-frequency labeling of cell lineages that is linearly scalable with heat shock duration.
Stochastic FLP-mediated inversions and/or FLP-outs result in clones marked with one of several possible marker combinations.
G-TRACE (GAL4 Technique for Real-time And Clonal Expression)
Stochastic FLP-out of a stop cassette marks a clone with a fluor.
10 unique barcodes are stochastically deleted or inverted to mark cell lineages
schematic of the 10 bxb1 target site-flanked barcodes that make up the intmemoir system
FLP-out cassettes are used to restrict ('filter') expression to the descendents of specific cells.
Lineage filtering
FLP-mediated recombination results in photoreceptor clones marked with one of two fluors.
FLP-out of a stop cassette results in phiC31 integrase expression. Subsequent stochastic attP-based rearrangements result in expression of fluors under UAS or lexA control. Resulting clones can be marked with one of ten possible color combinations.
Stochastic FLP-out of a stop cassette from three constructs results in clones marked with one of seven possible marker combinations plus/minus a gene of your choice.
Mitotic recombination separates a fluor from the RNAi that targets it, resulting in clonal expression.

Related links   Fluors   FRT   FLP