Screen for enteroendocrine cell-specific split-GAL4 driver expression

The following table shows the results of two screens examining split-GAL4 expression in enteroendocrine (EE) cells. In both, we combined candidate drivers with 2 reference drivers (Ref) specific to EEs: R57F07.A (EE1) and R20C06 (EE2). See Characterization of reference drivers for details. 

We examined UAS-GFP expression in the proventriculus (PV), the eleven midgut regions (R1A–R5B), and the hindgut (HG) in five adult (4–8 day old) females.

micrograph of female adult gut showing 11 defined subregions, as well as PV and HG. gut is stained for DAPI and displays GFP expression in cells throughout.

GFP expression in cells of specific midgut regions is shown as 0 for no cells, 1 for 1 to 49%, 2 for 50 to 99% and 3 for all cells.

In the Brain column, we examined the brains of five adult (4–8 day old) females from driver pairs conferring midgut expression. GFP expression in cells in the brain is shown as 0 for no clear expression, 1 for a few (≤9) cells with expression, 2 for a moderate number of cells (10–60), and 3 for many cells (>60).

This data comes from investigations described in the following papers:

Data from the G3 paper and the microPublication may be downloaded here.

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