Key to information provided in deficiency tables:
- Symbol - Df symbol (or other aberration symbol) linked to a FlyBase report. All available stocks for the Df/Ab are listed in the FlyBase report. Deficiencies with 'Exel' in the symbol were donated under legal restrictions and require a license for commercial use.
- Stk Count - a count of stocks that carry the Df/Ab.
- Stk# - The BDSC stock number linked to a BDSC stock report. This is either the only BDSC stock available, or the simplest one.
- Observed Bkpts - The observed breakpoints of each aberrant segment in release 6 genomic coordinates or polytene chromosome bands, depending on how each breakpoint was characterized. The type of aberration is indicated for each segment.
- Estimated Cyto - Estimated cytological locations for sequenced-characterized breakpoints.
- Estimated R6 Seq - Estimated sequence coordinates in release 6 for cytologically characterized breakpoints.